Welcome to Yulia Kharchenko, communication expert, contracted by ENRICH GLOBAL as part of the lighthouse initiative to support Ukraine innovation (more here). She will be performing the communication campaign for the ENRICH GLOBAL lighthouse initiative aimed at supporting Ukraine innovation.

Yuliya has more than 7 years of hands-on experience in the Marketing industry with HR Management and International Logistics background. In the last few years, she worked on EU projects and supporting SMEs, delivered communication strategies, implemented SMM plans, organised international events off- and online, and helped people with development as a certified business coach. Yuliya has a passion for startups and helps them to grow. Finally, she is an export consultant.

Since February 2022, due to her displacement from Ukraine, Yuliya lives and works in the UK.

Email: ykharchenko@enrich-global.eu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuliya-kharchenko-bb7056210/